We saw quite a bit of wildlife on this trip. Just as we headed out from Prince George we weren't all that far down the road when we turned a corner and there was a deer just standing in the middle there. Again, Red was driving and had to put on the brakes. It wasn't near as close as the day before but we've definitely seen enough deer for awhile. During the two day drive we saw deer, elk, mountain sheep and a bear! Lots of wildlife to keep us entertained.
Last night we had a small party happening here and we ended up playing a fair bit of Wii. Red and I packed our Wii and entire game collection to bring here. Everyone laughed of course but the kids were happy to try out some different games. I'm sure it won't be the last night of Wii. My niece and her boyfriend bought Mario Kart yesterday at launch time but didn't bring it. They will bring it over at another time. Can't wait to try it out. *s*
I sit here on my laptop at the kitchen table having my morning java. Looking out the window, it is drizzling rain and the clouds are so low I cannot see the mountains. They are calling for the same type of weather all week. I'm hoping for some sunshine at some point.
We've got no real plans or agenda. Just going to wing our visit here. All I know is that we are going to the village to a restaurant on the wharf that serves fresh seafood at some point. Red is in heaven with anticipation. I'm hoping the view isn't blocked by the clouds as I am not a huge fish fan but I'll probably have some halibut.
So that's it. Day three of my holidays is just what the doctored ordered. Coffee, Internet and no real plans. I'm almost entirely distracted from the fact I have no job to return to. Well...almost. *s*
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