Wednesday, February 6, 2008

When Walls Fight Back

They just stand there. Silent. For years on end. Then something of them just snaps. I witnessed such a thing today. I'm almost certain this wall has had an issue with this guy for a very long time and it finally had enough. It attacked him as he casually strolled by. It was very fast and if you hadn't been looking in that direction you would have heard the loud crash but would have still missed seeing it.

The guy. He survived but he's sore.
The wall. Slightly bruised ego but standing once doubt waiting for another unsuspecting soul.

Be on the lookout. There are more walls out there that are about to snap than you think!!!


  1. hahaha raymond is such a funny klutzy kinda guy. i bet you dont remember me, im asa ;P

  2. ASA??? From RR? Yes I remember you! It was funny to witness that's for sure. *s*
