Thursday, February 21, 2008

Reality Junkie

Ok, I admit it. I am totally a Reality TV Junkie. I've been watching Survivor from the start and I'm also a huge fan of Big Brother. We used to watch The Apprentice but have missed the last couple. Not enough hours in the day to keep up with everything. I always enjoy watching the dynamics and drama unfold before me. It always amazes me how some people still make crazy decisions, say unbelievable things or of course do what they do. *s*

Thank goodness for a little device called a PVR. *s*


  1. But of course the real joy is watching someone destroy their life in front of the nation (or at least that small part of it that want to watch "who wants to marry my snorkeling aerobics instructor". Come on admit it, there's a little part of you that feels joy when someone does something so stupid that you know you're way smarter than them. Remember, It is not so much that I succeed, it is that others fail. And on some shows boy do they fail big.

  2. LOL...I guess there's a bit of truth to that! Seems more likely these days than ever. *s*
